Regular floppy disks use their own interface, usually called the floppy disk interface for obvious reasons.
This interface is derived from older non-PC designs that go back more than two decades.
The floppy interface is a very simple affair for this reason, and in today's PC there isn't really much to say about it.
Unlike hard disk interfaces where there are compatibility and performance issues galore, with floppy disks it is generally either "it works" or "it doesn't", and usually, "it works".
Over time, some other devices have adopted the floppy disk interface, such as tape backup drives.

The first plug in the picture is the most common one to find in a pc even though floppies aren't used much in todays computers.
The next floppy plug under the first is the older interface one used mostly in combination with 5.25" floppy drives so even more uncommon than the first one.